Readiness for improved stakeholder engagement
Are existing qualifications considered relevant and attractive by learners and families? Are existing qualifications considered relevant and attractive by learners and families?
Is it clear who has the policy lead on qualifications reform in government? Is it clear who has the policy lead on qualifications reform in government?
Is there agreement on the roles of different governmental bodies in the design and development of qualifications? Is there agreement on the roles of different governmental bodies in the design and development of qualifications?
Is government open to increase the engagement of other non-governmental stakeholders? Is government open to increase the engagement of other non-governmental stakeholders?
Is government actively pursuing a deeper involvement of other stakeholders on qualifications reform? Is government actively pursuing a deeper involvement of other stakeholders on qualifications reform?
Do non-governmental stakeholders voice their views publically about the relevance of (vocational) qualifications? Do non-governmental stakeholders voice their views publically about the relevance of (vocational) qualifications?
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For reflection:
● In what ways is is lack of stakeholder involvement an obstacle for qualifications reform?
● Do stakeholders have the capacity to support authorities in qualifications issues?
Which of the following stakeholders are involved in the design and development of qualifications in your country Ministry of Education Ministry of Education
Ministry of Labour Ministry of Labour
Ministry of Economy & Industry Ministry of Economy & Industry
Qualifications agency/authority (separate institution) Qualifications agency/authority (separate institution)
Quality Assurance agencies (separate institutions) Quality Assurance agencies (separate institutions)
Examination bodies (separate institutions) Examination bodies (separate institutions)
Other governmental agencies Other governmental agencies
Employers’ confederations Employers’ confederations
Trade Unions’ confederations Trade Unions’ confederations
Sectoral organisations Sectoral organisations
Professional bodies Professional bodies
Chambers of Commerce, Industry or Crafts and Trade Chambers of Commerce, Industry or Crafts and Trade
Representatives from individual enterprises/organisations Representatives from individual enterprises/organisations
Awarding bodies (issuing their own certificates) Awarding bodies (issuing their own certificates)
Universities Universities
VET providers (public) VET providers (public)
Other VET providers (non-public) Other VET providers (non-public)
Academic researchers working on education, training and labour market topics Academic researchers working on education, training and labour market topics
Consultants Consultants
Teachers’ and trainers’ associations Teachers’ and trainers’ associations
Teachers’ trainers Teachers’ trainers
Career and job counsellors Career and job counsellors
Representatives from learners and students Representatives from learners and students
Community and voluntary organisations Community and voluntary organisations
Representatives of migrants Representatives of migrants
International organisations International organisations
Donors Donors
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Which of the following stakeholders could add value in the design and development of qualifications in your country? Ministry of Education Ministry of Education
Ministry of Labour Ministry of Labour
Ministry of Economy & Industry Ministry of Economy & Industry
Other line ministries (agriculture, transport, etc.) Other line ministries (agriculture, transport, etc.)
Qualifications agency/authority (separate institution) Qualifications agency/authority (separate institution)
Quality Assurance agencies (separate institutions) Quality Assurance agencies (separate institutions)
Examination bodies (separate institutions) Examination bodies (separate institutions)
Other governmental agencies Other governmental agencies
Other government agencies Other government agencies
Employers’ confederations Employers’ confederations
Trade Unions’ confederations Trade Unions’ confederations
Sectoral organisations Sectoral organisations
Professional bodies Professional bodies
Chambers of Commerce, Industry or Crafts and Trade Chambers of Commerce, Industry or Crafts and Trade
Representatives from individual enterprises/organisations Representatives from individual enterprises/organisations
Awarding bodies (issuing their own certificates) Awarding bodies (issuing their own certificates)
Universities Universities
Public VET Providers Public VET Providers
Other VET providers (non-public) Other VET providers (non-public)
Academic researchers working on education, training and labour market topics Academic researchers working on education, training and labour market topics
Consultants Consultants
Teachers’ and trainers’ associations Teachers’ and trainers’ associations
Teachers’ trainers Teachers’ trainers
Career and job counsellors Career and job counsellors
Representatives from learners and students Representatives from learners and students
Community and voluntary organisations ОбщесCommunity and voluntary organisations
Representatives of migrants Representatives of migrants
International organisations International organisations
Donors Donors
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For reflection::
● What could be the added value of the stakeholders you ticked green?
● What are the capacity needs of these types of stakeholders?
Mapping stakeholders’ interests Have you identified the necessary stakeholders in your country? Have you identified the necessary stakeholders in your country?
Is there a formal mapping of their interests? Is there a formal mapping of their interests?
Has the mapping exercise been repeated periodically? Has the mapping exercise been repeated periodically?
Is communication targeted to different stakeholder groups? Is communication targeted to different stakeholder groups?
Is feedback from stakeholders collected systematically? Is feedback from stakeholders collected systematically?
Is there a central database of stakeholders with contact details? Is there a central database of stakeholders with contact details?
Are stakeholders’ communities addressed through social media? Are stakeholders’ communities addressed through social media?
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For reflection:
How do we make stakeholders aware of qualifications issues?
Types of stakeholder dialogue Do you have formal stakeholder dialogue? Do you have formal stakeholder dialogue? (Formal dialogue is institutionalised and regulated)
Do you have informative stakeholder dialogue? Do you have informative stakeholder dialogue? (Public authorities only inform stakeholders about decisions taken in the field of qualifications)
Do you have consultative stakeholder dialogue? Do you have consultative stakeholder dialogue?(Stakeholders are consulted and their feedback may or may not influence decisions)
Do you have cooperative stakeholder dialogue? Do you have cooperative stakeholder dialogue?(Participating stakeholders are involved in the decision-making process as partners)
Do you have decisional stakeholder dialogue? Do you have decisional stakeholder dialogue?(The stakeholders themselves make the decisions)
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For reflection:
● Which stakeholders participate in the types of dialogue listed above?
● Which topics in the various types of dialogue relate to skills and qualifications (e.g. VNFIL)?
● Are stakeholders informed on skills and qualifications issues? How?
Facilitating stakeholder engagement
Are stakeholders involved in the following issues:
Analysing problems in the existing qualification system? ● Analysing problems in the existing qualification system?
Formulating the objectives of reform? ● Formulating the objectives of reform?
Taking formal decisions on new concepts? ● Taking formal decisions on new concepts?
Reviewing institutional arrangements and capacities? ● Reviewing institutional arrangements and capacities?
Specifying which and how qualifications should change? ● Specifying which and how qualifications should change?
Identifying needs for new qualifications? ● Identifying needs for new qualifications?
Formulating NQF levels and identifying qualifications that should be included in each? ● Formulating NQF levels and identifying qualifications that should be included in each?
Developing an implementation plan for NQF development? ● Developing an implementation plan for NQF development?
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For reflection:
● Do stakeholders have the capacity to support authorities in the qualifications issues listed above?
● What is needed to increase the capacities of stakeholders for effective engagement?
Formalising stakeholder engagement Is there a formal forum to discuss qualifications reforms? Is there a formal forum to discuss qualifications reforms?
Are qualifications a topic of collective bargaining? Are qualifications a topic of collective bargaining?
Is there a national council that includes different stakeholders? Is there a national council that includes different stakeholders?
Are there sector skills councils established and operational? Are there sector skills councils established and operational?
Are there other forms of stakeholder dialogue? Are there other forms of stakeholder dialogue?
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For reflection:
● How is the stakeholder dialogue institutionalised?
● How could stakeholder dialogue be more effectively institutionalised?
● How can we support the organisation of stakeholders for being better engaged in the qualifications reform?