Osman Seckin Akbiyik
Osman Seçkin Akbıyık studied business administration at Marmara University in İstanbul and graduated in 2007. After working in digital media sector and doing military service, he started public service in 2009 at State Procurement Office as an assistant expert. In 2010 he was recruited by VQA as an assistant expert and tasked with the development of Turkish Qualifications Framework with a couple of his colleagues and international experts. Following three year experience in this task and submitting a thesis about “the relationships between national qualifications frameworks and education sector and labour market” he was appointed as an expert. In January 2016, he was assigned as the head, following the establishment of Turkish Qualifications Framework department. His main study area has always been qualifications framework but additionally he’s dealing with validation of non-formal and informal learning, credit systems, mutual recognition of qualifications and lifelong learning. He’s been representing Turkish National Coordination Point at EQF Advisory Group since July, 2016 and a member of TQF Council.
He’s currently an undergraduate in sociology at Anadolu University and a postgraduate in sociology at Ankara University.