Didier Gelibert

Didier Gelibert joined in 2015 the European Training Foundation as a specialist of Private Sector engagement in VET. Previously he worked for 19 years for the Automobile Services Sector in France.
He successively held the position of Adviser in management and accountancy, European Project Leader and International Department manager in the automobile services training funds in France.
During all those years, he acquired a strong experience of enterprises strategies and qualifications. He also set up and developed the international cooperation strategy for the automobile services sector.
He managed during 4 years the ECVET Secretariat (European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training) for the European Commission.
Didier was the coordinator of the French Automobile Team for Worldskills for 15 years. He was the representative for the French employer association in the “Training Group” of the European Committee for Motor Trade and Repair.
He holds a Master in Economics and Administration of Paris University and a Certificate of Trainer and Business adviser for Craft companies.
Didier also acquired its experience in Peru and Canada (Quebec).