Aileen Ponton

Aileen joined the SCQF Partnership as its first Chief Executive in July 2007.
The Partnership is the body responsible for maintaining the National Framework for Scotland – the SCQF. In addition it has responsibility as the National Co-ordination Point for the European Qualifications Framework and for ECVET. Aileen also chairs the UK Co-ordinating Group for European VET Initiatives. Aileen’s previous experience has had both an employer and education focus.
Prior to joining the SCQF Partnership Aileen was Head of Policy Development, Scotland with the Sector Skills Development Agency for 3 years. This was the organisation which set up the network of Sector Skills Councils and she was responsible for supporting strategic discussions and negotiations with Scottish Government, Skills Development Scotland the Scottish Funding Council among others..
Before joining SSDA in 2004 Aileen had worked with the Scottish Qualifications Authority and its predecessor SCOTVEC since 1989 in a range of roles for both the awarding and accreditation functions of SQA.
Aileen is currently a Board member of the Scottish College for Educational Leadership (SCEL) and has just completed a six year ministerial appointment as a member of the Hong Kong Council for the Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications.